Monday, December 7, 2009

Sumatran Tiger

The third Fiercest and the deadliest of the tiger species after the Bengal tiger and the Siberian tiger. This tiger species is one of the most endangered species available in the planet itself.Its number remaining is less than 600.As known by its name it is found in the Sumatran region of Indonesia.It has been surviving there since before the interference of humans that is about before million years. The tigers who once ruled the area are known bound within government protected boundaries.Only about 100 tigers live in the unprotected areas.Though smaller compared to the Bengal and the Siberian tiger.They are very Aggressive and dangerous and have also been responsible for human deaths in the area because the villagers and the tigers live side by side.For this region too the people don't spare the species.However if things don't change than this amazing species of tiger will become extinct. The Sumatran Tiger is the smallest of all surviving tiger subspecies. Male Sumatran tigers average 204 cm (6 feet, 8 inches) in length from head to tail and weigh about 136 kg (300 lb). Females average 198 cm (6 feet, 6 inches) in length and weigh about 91 kg (200 lb). Its stripes are narrower than other subspecies of tigers' stripes, and it has a more bearded and maned appearance, especially the males. Its small size makes it easier to move through dense forests.

Sumatran Tigers commonly prey on preys like Wild boar,Monkey,fowls,fish etc.The continuing loss of habitat is intensifying the crisis to save this tiger.

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