Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Black Footed Ferret

The habitat of the Black Footed Ferret is the northern American Great plains..The number of red footed ferret remaining is just about 1,000.It is the only species of ferret that originated in the north America. In 1986,there were only 18 individuals left.But due to the conservation activities the number has risen dramatically.This species is listed as Endangered due to very small and restricted populations, where there are less than 250 wild born (non-reintroduced) mature individuals distributed among several reestablished populations. Of the 18 current sites where this species has been reintroduced, only three have viable populations. In 1987, this species was considered Extinct in the Wild, current populations have been the result of massive efforts to reintroduce captive animals back to the wild. Although formerly widespread in central North America, it currently exists only as reintroduced populations. The species declined throughout this century to near extinction by the late 1970's, primarily as a result of prairie dog control actions and sylvatic plague. However, after a captive breeding program, it was reintroduced by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service into eight western states and Mexico from 1991-2008. At present, it is considered self-sustaining at only three locations (two in South Dakota and one in Wyoming). Even with augmentation, wild ferret populations remain small, fragmented, and intensively managed.

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