Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Black Footed Ferret

The habitat of the Black Footed Ferret is the northern American Great plains..The number of red footed ferret remaining is just about 1,000.It is the only species of ferret that originated in the north America. In 1986,there were only 18 individuals left.But due to the conservation activities the number has risen dramatically.This species is listed as Endangered due to very small and restricted populations, where there are less than 250 wild born (non-reintroduced) mature individuals distributed among several reestablished populations. Of the 18 current sites where this species has been reintroduced, only three have viable populations. In 1987, this species was considered Extinct in the Wild, current populations have been the result of massive efforts to reintroduce captive animals back to the wild. Although formerly widespread in central North America, it currently exists only as reintroduced populations. The species declined throughout this century to near extinction by the late 1970's, primarily as a result of prairie dog control actions and sylvatic plague. However, after a captive breeding program, it was reintroduced by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service into eight western states and Mexico from 1991-2008. At present, it is considered self-sustaining at only three locations (two in South Dakota and one in Wyoming). Even with augmentation, wild ferret populations remain small, fragmented, and intensively managed.

Borneo Pygmy Elephant

It is found in the Borneo region of Indonesia .The number of remaining Borneo Pygmy Elephant is just about 15,00.It is shorter than the asiatic elephant by about 50 cm. The Borneo Pygmy is also relatively more docile.The males may grow to less than 8.2 feet, while other Asian elephants grow up to 9.8 feet. They have rounder faces, larger ears, and longer tails that reach almost to the ground and are more rotund.
Palm plantation have reduced its range, leaving it crowded for space.They are actually also gentle-natured, leading to the belief for years that they were simply the semi-tame remnants of a domesticated herd abandoned on the island years ago.

The Golden headed Langur

The Golden headed Langur is a species found in Vietnam.It is a very rare species of primate.Unfortunetly, its number remaining is less than 70.It was in the verge of extinction.But in the year 200 it was put into protection.Still its situation is in grave danger.Nevertheless, its number rose in 2003 for the first time in many decades.The golden-headed langur,is probably the most endangered of the Asian colobines.Although the growth of the population is encouraging, the overall status of the species is most critical. As a result of habitat fragmentation, the remaining population is now divided into seven isolated sub-populations, five of which include or consist of all-female groups, thus non-reproducing social units.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Sumatran Tiger

The third Fiercest and the deadliest of the tiger species after the Bengal tiger and the Siberian tiger. This tiger species is one of the most endangered species available in the planet itself.Its number remaining is less than 600.As known by its name it is found in the Sumatran region of Indonesia.It has been surviving there since before the interference of humans that is about before million years. The tigers who once ruled the area are known bound within government protected boundaries.Only about 100 tigers live in the unprotected areas.Though smaller compared to the Bengal and the Siberian tiger.They are very Aggressive and dangerous and have also been responsible for human deaths in the area because the villagers and the tigers live side by side.For this region too the people don't spare the species.However if things don't change than this amazing species of tiger will become extinct. The Sumatran Tiger is the smallest of all surviving tiger subspecies. Male Sumatran tigers average 204 cm (6 feet, 8 inches) in length from head to tail and weigh about 136 kg (300 lb). Females average 198 cm (6 feet, 6 inches) in length and weigh about 91 kg (200 lb). Its stripes are narrower than other subspecies of tigers' stripes, and it has a more bearded and maned appearance, especially the males. Its small size makes it easier to move through dense forests.

Sumatran Tigers commonly prey on preys like Wild boar,Monkey,fowls,fish etc.The continuing loss of habitat is intensifying the crisis to save this tiger.

Giant Panda

The Giant Panda is found in the Regions in China, Burma, Vietnam.It is most probably the most beautiful rare species of animals available in the world.The number remaining is less than 2,000. The main cause of its decline is the loss and fragmentation of its habitat. Research work and effort are showing some results in the chinese region.Captive breeding and species protection are helping the panda species hang on.About the size of an American black bear, giant pandas stand between two and three feet tall at the shoulder (on all four legs), and reach four to six feet long. Males are larger than females, weighing up to 250 pounds in the wild. Females rarely reach 220 pounds

A wild giant panda’s diet is almost exclusively (99%) bamboo. The balance consists of other grasses and occasional small rodents or musk deer fawns. In zoos, giant pandas eat bamboo, sugar cane, rice gruel, a special high-fiber biscuit, carrots, apples, and sweet potatoes.Adult giant pandas are generally solitary, but they do communicate periodically through scent marks, calls, and occasional meetings. Offspring stay with their mothers from one and a half to three years.


It is found in the region of Gulf of California. It is one of the rarest species of cetaceans in the world itself.The remaining number of Vaquita is just about 200 to 300. It is endangered due to both its limited range and the ease with which it gets caught in the fishing nets.The vaquita is one of the world's most rare marine mammals. It was first described in 1958. Due to its elusive nature, little is known about it. Vaquita are similar to harbor porpoises with respect to life span, patterns of growth, age at sexual maturity, seasonal reproduction, and mating season. In contrast to the harbor porpoise, the calving interval for adult female vaquita may be greater than one year. This has important implications for the potential growth rate of the population and therefore its ability to compensate for human-related sources of mortality and recover from low population levels.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Mekong Giant Catfish

It is found in the Mekong region of Southeast Asia.The number of this rare is species just about hundreds. It is in the verge of extinction due to fishing in the South eastern region.The largest ever caught Mekong catfish was 293 k.g. The Government of Thailand, Cambodia and Laos. But still fishing is going on for it in some regions.The Giant Mekong catfish is one of the largest freshwater fishes in the world. It can be found in the Mekong River Delta, in Laos and Cambodia. The species could earlier be found in Thailand but is believed to have been driven into extinction in those waters. It is dangerously close to meeting the same destiny in Laos and Cambodia where their numbers have sunken dramatically and especially large mature specimens are today very rare.

Giant Mekong Catfish has one of the fastest growth rates of any fish and can reach a weight of 200kg/ 440 lb in 5 years and can grow to a length of up to 3m / 10ft and can weigh upwards to 350kg / 770 lbs which makes it on of the heaviest freshwater fish in the world. No one knows for sure which freshwater species grows to be the largest although many speculate that it might be giant freshwater rays that are found in the same waters as the Giant Mekong Catfish and are know to grow over 4 m / 13 ft long. Large Giant Mekong catfish are however as earlier mentioned a rare site these days. Giant Mekong catfish are unlike many other large catfish vegetarians in the wild feeding on the vegetation that can be found in the rivers they live in. Another feature that separates them from many other large catfish is the fact that Giant Mekong Catfish lacks teeth.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Cross River Gorilla

Cross river Gorilla is a species found in African regions of Nigeria and Cameroon. They are extremely rare. Their total population is less than 300. The Cross river Gorilla was thought to be extinct in the 1980s but some how they are holding on.They are usually hunted by hunters for bush meat and their habitat it being destroyed for the purpose of development. They may be extinct in short while.The critically endangered gorilla subspecies Gorilla is living in the Cross River area at the border of Nigeria and Cameroon.Gorillas: possibly 280 in a few isolated populations

Because it lives in such a remote location along the mountainous border of Cameroon and Nigeria it has never been well studied. It is separated from the nearest population of western lowland gorilla (the other subspecies of western gorilla) by at least 155 miles

Javan Rhinoceros

Javan Rhinoceros is the rarest species mammal in the planet. Unfortunetly, the number of Javan Rhinoceros is fer than 60. It is found in regions of indonesia The main reason of its poaching is for the horn. And also the forest habitat of the Javan rhinoceros is being destroyed for the sake of development activities like constructions. These nearly extinct species should be kept save,so a species of mammal may not become extinct.It belongs to the same genus as one horned rhino, and has similar mosaicked skin which resembles armor, but at 3.1–3.2 m (10–10.5 feet) in length and 1.4–1.7 m (4.6–5.8 ft) in height, it is smaller than the Indian Rhinoceros, and is closer in size to a black rhino. Its horn is usually less than 25 cm (10 inches), smaller than those of the other rhino species.Once these rhinos roamed throughout asian countries throughout southeast asia,china and even into india.But now
the species is in grave danger.

The Javan Rhino can live approximately 30–45 years in the wild
.the Javan Rhinoceros is a solitary animal with the exception of breeding pairs and mothers with calves. They will sometimes congregate in small groups at salt licks and mud wallows. Wallowing in mud is a common behavior for all rhinos; the activity allows them to maintain a cool body temperature and helps prevent disease and parasite infestation. The Javan Rhinoceros does not generally dig its own mud wallows, preferring to use other animals' wallows or naturally occurring pits, which it will use its horns to enlarge. Salt licks are also very important because of the essential nutrients the rhino receives from the salt.

The sexual habits of the Javan Rhinoceros are difficult to study as the species is rarely observed directly and no zoos have specimens. Females reach sexual maturity at 3–4 years of age while the males are sexually mature at 6. Gestation is estimated to occur over a period around 16–19 months. The birth interval for this species is 4–5 years and the calf is weaned at around 2 years. The other four species of rhinoall have similar mating behaviors and the presumption is that the Javan Rhino follows suit.

Loss of habitat because of agriculture has also contributed to its decline, though this is no longer as significant a factor because the rhinoceros only lives in two nationally protected parks. Deteriorating habitats have hindered the recovery of rhino populations that fell victim to poaching. Even with all the conservation efforts, the prospects for the Javan Rhinoceros's survival are grim. Because the populations are restricted to two small areas, they are very susceptible to disease and the problems of inbreeding

Polar Bear

The Polar Bear is found in the circumpolar Arctic region. Due to rapid human development and activities like poaching, the number of polar bear has declined to less than 25000. Furthermore, the loss of sea ice and climate change due to various factors are pushing the number of polar bears lower.Polar bears are considered to be mainly marine animals and spend much more time on the sea ice than they do on land. They can swim several hundred kilometres without resting and can dive under water for up to one minute.Polar bears are at the top of the Arctic food chain. They prefer to remain on the sea ice, where they hunt their main prey, ringed seals.In many areas of the Arctic, polar bears remain on the ice year-round. It is only in areas where the ice melts in the summer, such as Hudson Bay, that the bears are forced ashore until the ice refreezes in autumn.Polar bears are the largest land carnivores in the world! An average adult male weighs 500 kg to 600 kg and reaches maximum size by eight to 10 years of age. Male bears reach their maximum weight in their early teens.

An average adult female is about half the size of a male, weighing 200 kg to 300 kg and reaching maximum size by age four or five. Cubs weigh only 0.6 kg (about 1 lb.) at birth. The lifespan for males is more than 20 years and for females, more than 25 years.
Polar bears are well adapted to live in the Arctic. Parts of their bodies are covered with a thick layer of fat called adipose tissue that protects them from the cold and adds buoyancy in the water. During the long months of fasting, bears depend on these fat reserves for survival. They also play an important role in reproductive success.

If a pregnant female has an insufficient store of adipose tissue, she will have insufficient energy to feed her cubs, to fast, and to return to her preferred hunting grounds at ice freeze-up.
Both males and females become mature at four to five years, although most males probably do not breed until eight to ten years.

Polar bears mate out on the sea ice in spring. The female has delayed implantation. That means that the fertilized egg develops to a multicellular state and then stops developing until it is implanted in the uterus in September or October.Females usually give birth to twins, although a litter can range from one to three cubs.